February 16, 2025 - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15
God is the maker and owner of heaven and earth. We are called to steward or manage the things God has given us. Sometimes God calls us to offer our wealth in the service of others. How should we approach the call to give and support the Lord’s work? The apostle Paul has much to teach us. Come join us for worship as we learn what God says through him.
You can listen to the scripture reading here:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
February 09, 2025 - 1 Timothy 6:3-10
God is the maker and owner of heaven and earth. We are called to steward or manage the things God has given us. How do we find contentment in life? How do we not be consumed with having more? The Apostle Paul can teach us about contentment and its role in being good stewards. Come join us on Sunday as Pastor John teached on this text. You can hear the scripture reading here:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
January 26, 2025 - Luke 12:13-21
Psalm 24:1 says, “‘The earth is the Lord ‘s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.”
Do you live as if God is the owner of everything? On Sunday, we will explore generosity and its relationship to stewardship. Pastor John’s sermon will explore the teaching of Jesus on this matter. You can listen to the scripture here:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
January 19, 2025 - Matthew 25:14-30
Psalm 24:1 says, “‘The earth is the Lord ‘s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” Do you live as if God is the owner of everything? How should Christians view the claim that God owns everything? How should we behave? On Sunday, we will begin to explore the topic of stewardship. Pastor John’s sermon will explore the teaching of Jesus on this matter. You can listen to this unusual story here:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
January 12, 2025 - Luke 16:1-13
Psalm 24:1 says, “‘The earth is the Lord ‘s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” Do you live as if God is the owner of everything you own or as if you are? Does you believe God owns you? How should Christians view the claim that God owns everything? How should we behave? On Sunday, we will begin to explore the topic of stewardship. Pastor John’s sermon is a story about a steward. You can listen to this unusual story here:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
Ingesting and Digesting our Savior
January 05, 2025 - Luke 22:19-20
The first Sunday of the new year is a communion Sunday. What is important about the practice of taking holy communion? How does Jesus bless us as we eat and drink? Come join us and find out.
You can watch Pastor John read Luke 22:19-20 here:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
The Infant Jesus
December 29, 2024 - Luke 2:21-38
On the Sunday following Christmas we continuing to focus our attention on the infant Jesus. We know little of His childhood but Luke records a story about Jesus, His parents and His first trip to the Temple in Jerusalem. This event was brief but rich with important information about Jesus for you and me. Come join us on Sunday as Pastor John teaches about this story and its relevance for our lives today.
You can watch Pastor John read Luke 2:21-38 here:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
A Servant Speaks
December 22, 2024 - Luke 1:39-56
On the 4th Sunday of Advent, we will have our Christmas Cantata and will focus on the love of God. God’s love is poured out from heaven on all his people. What is this love like? What is it about? God speaks to us through his servant to reveal how Jesus is God’s love gift to us. Let’s learn about God’s love this Sunday.
You can listen to pastor John read our scripture below:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
A Victory Assured
December 15, 2024 - Zephaniah 3:14-20
The focus of the third Sunday of Advent is joy. The coming of Jesus brings great joy to the people who know Him. That joy is wrapped up in the knoweldge that the Lord will be victorious in reclaiming the earth for the kingdom of God. Zephaniah the prophet speaks of that joy in his prophetic word. Come and anchor your joy in the promises of God.
Hear the scripture reading:
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at
A People Prepared
December 08, 2024 - Luke 3:1-6
On this second Sunday of Advent, we turn our attention to John the Baptist. John the Baptist plays an important role in the coming of Jesus. John was cousin of Jesus but more than that, John was tasked with preparing the people for the coming of the Lord. How can John prepare us for the kingdom of God today? Come and see.
Listen to the scripture reading here:
Watch the carol Hark the Herald Angels Sing here.
Come and join us at 9:15 AM for our in-person worship service or you can watch the service live at or on our Facebook page at