Eden Church Membership Directory
Eden uses Breeze Church Management software to record our member addresses and contact information. Eden members may request access to this membership directory information by contacting Nancy Kruckeberg (Cell: 618-920-6941 or Email: nkruck85@gmail.com) to sign-up or if you have any questions about logging into or using Breeze.
Congregational Meeting January 26th
Eden Church will have its Annual Meeting following the Worship service on Sunday, January 26. The congregation will be receiving the annual report and installing our newest Council members. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend.
2024 Council Members/Officers
Mrs. Lora Partney
Mr. Michael Goble
Vice President
Mr. Greg Schmidt
Mr. Michael Moss
Financial Secretary
Ms. Darci Strohmeier
Mrs. Nancy Stahlhut
Ms. Judy Nelson
Mr. Scott Wallace
Mrs. Nancy Kruckeberg
Prime of Life
Prime of Life is going to Joe’s Pizza in Edwardsville on Sunday, February 9. We will meet at 12:30.The bus will NOT be available. Hope you will join us for good food and fellowship. The sign-up sheet will be in Fellowship Lobby. Call or text Ruth Joachimsthaler at 618-978-1584 with reservations or any questions.
Clothing Drive
In addition to the yard sale, we are doing a separate drive for clothes and Household Textiles…Here is what can be donated until May 16 in the Fellowship Lobby:
• Men’s, women’s, and children’s clothes, coats, shoes, scarves, handbags, wallets, fashion accessories, ties, belts, backpacks, etc.
•Bedding, comforters, blankets, sheets, towels, linen, tablecloths, curtains, pillows, etc.
Our goal is to collect 400 white trash bags to be able to collect $1000! Thank you again for all that you are doing for our youth.
Mark Your Calendars!
A chili cook off is coming on Sunday, March 2 at 11a to raise funds for the youth summer trips to J Creek camp and Belize this summer. We are hoping to have a big crowd, so invite your family and friends to come with you. There will be chili tasting and some other surprises. Stay tuned for more details that will be coming soon, as well as dusting off that apron and enter your best chili recipe in our tasting. Thank you for your support.
The Mosaic pregnancy & health center
January is Sanctity of Human Life Month, and our Church is celebrating by taking part in Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers’ Baby Bottle Campaign. 100% of the proceeds from this collection go to Mosaic to support their efforts to reach out to women, men, and their unborn babies with free life-affirming medical services and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can give online at https://gift.idonate.com/mosaic-health/babybottle or you can pick up a bottle in the lobby on Sunday and fill it with coins, cash, or checks made payable to “Mosaic PHC (Pregnancy & Health Centers)” and return by Sunday, February 16th.
Evangelical Association Newsletter
Get the latest Evangelical Association Newsletter here and stay connected.
The Book of Revelation: Escape the Coming Night
The Book of Revelation is a prophetic book written by John the Apostle while he was exiled to the island of Patmos. The initial part of this study by Dr David Jeremiah consists of John’s introduction to the Book of Revelation and his encounter with the glorified Jesus Christ. Next, we will read the seven letters sent to seven churches in the Mediterranean region. Each church, except one, had issues that needed to be addressed. Dr David Jeremiah will help us see how the issues that the churches had during the early first century continue to be issues in our churches today. Please join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in Classrooms 1302/1303. Contact Linda Romann (Mobile: 618-560-9532 /Email: lromann@sbcglobal.net) for more information about our study.
Friday Women’s Bible Study - The Book of 1 Samuel
Eden’s Friday Women’s Bible Study Group is studying The Book of 1 Samuel. The heroes of the Bible offer complex, flawed examples of leadership. Their stories prompt us to examine the difference between our outward appearance and what God sees in our hearts. In this Right Now Media series, Sharon Hodde Miller guides our group through the Book of 1 Samuel, exploring the frailty of the human heart and the faithfulness of God. Our class meets at 12:30 pm on the second and fourth Fridays of each month in Classroom 1302/1303. Contact Nancy Kruckeberg (Call or Text: 618-920-6941 / Email: nkruck85@gmail.com) for more information.
Boys Bible study
The High School Boys Bible study group meets at Eden in Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00. We are starting a new study on the book of Romans. The book of Romans is rich with spiritual wisdom. By studying Paul’s letter to the Romans, we will explore everything from new life in Christ to how to live like Jesus. If you are a High School boy, please join us for this time of study and fellowship. If you have any questions, please contact Fred Heepke (618-304-0928), Mike Schiber (618-920-0862) or Roger Stahlhut
Adult Sunday School Class – The Heidelberg Catechism
A catechism is a method of teaching where a teacher recites the question and the pupils respond with the prescribed answer. For centuries, the church has used catechisms as a tool to instruct students in the basic truths of the Bible. The Heidelberg Catechism, first published in 1563 in Heidelberg, Germany, has stood the test of time and is still one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. Eden’s Adult Sunday School Class is studying the Heidelberg Catechism using a study guide authored by G.I. Williamson. This study guide will walk us through the Catechism questions, answers, and applicable scripture readings. Please join us on Sundays at 10:30 am in Classroom 1302/1303-B/C for this valuable study.