All EA (Evangelical Association) Volunteers
There will be a meeting for all volunteers for the EA event on Thursday, September 5 at 7:00p in Fellowship Hall. Please plan to attend to hear all the details!
The EA event is coming up soon. On Thursday, September 19 the Evangelical Association Board of Directors will meet all day. On Friday, there is a pastor’s retreat until noon. Registration begins Friday at 3:00 and dinner is at 5:30 with worship at 7:00.
Saturday is a full day of meals, worship, and workshops. Sunday we will serve breakfast at 8:00 and worship at 9:15.
Please plan to attend the events when you are not scheduled to volunteer. Get to know some of the EA church members from all over the country. Eden will be blessed with a great weekend. And Give God all the Glory!
Any questions, contact Pam Heepke 618-920-6940.
Friday Women’s Bible Study - The Book of 1 Samuel
Eden’s Friday Women’s Bible Study Group will begin studying The Book of 1 Samuel on Friday, September 27. The heroes of the Bible offer complex, flawed examples of leadership. Their stories prompt us to examine the difference between our outward appearance and what God sees in our hearts. In Right Now Media series, Sharon Hodde Miller will guide our group through the Book of 1 Samuel, exploring the frailty of the human heart and the faithfulness of God. Our class meets at 12:30 pm on the second and fourth Fridays of each month in Classroom 1302/1303. Contact Nancy Kruckeberg (Call or Text: 618-920-6941 / Email: for more information on joining our group.
Prime of Life
Prime of Life will meet on Saturday, September 14th at 5:00p at Boogie’s, 2082 Vadalabebe Dr, Maryville. The sign-up sheet will be in Fellowship Lobby or call Ruth Joachimsthaler, at 618-978-1584 with questions or to reserve. Please sign up or let us know by Monday, September 9, if you plan to attend. The bus will NOT be available. All are welcome.
Boys Bible study
The High School Boys Bible study group meets at Eden in Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00. We are starting a new study on the book of Romans. The book of Romans is rich with spiritual wisdom. By studying Paul’s letter to the Romans, we will explore everything from new life in Christ to how to live like Jesus. If you are a High School boy, please join us for this time of study and fellowship. If you have any questions, please contact Fred Heepke (618-304-0928), Mike Schiber (618-920-0862) or Roger Stahlhut
Adult Sunday School Class – The Heidelberg Catechism
A catechism is a method of teaching where a teacher recites the question and the pupils respond with the prescribed answer. For centuries, the church has used catechisms as a tool to instruct students in the basic truths of the Bible. The Heidelberg Catechism, first published in 1563 in Heidelberg, Germany, has stood the test of time and is still one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. Eden’s Adult Sunday School Class is studying the Heidelberg Catechism using a study guide authored by G.I. Williamson. This study guide will walk us through the Catechism questions, answers, and applicable scripture readings. Please join us on Sundays at 10:30 am in Classroom 1302/1303-B/C for this valuable study.
Doris Gvillo’s devotionals
If you click on the above link, you can open a folder that contains hundreds of Doris Gvillo’s wonderful devotional articles that were published in the Edwardsville newspaper over many, many years. Her daughter Ruth brought me a box full of these articles and I will continue to scan these and add them to the folder. There are now hundreds of her devotional articles just waiting for you to read them and when you do thank our Father for giving her all this inspiration for us as they are each based on the Scriptures.
Pastor Karl Kindt