The sayings of Jesus will always have a greater impact on us the longer we study them. They take a lifetime to understand and apply. This is why Adult Education at Eden Church is so passionate about our task! The groups provide opportunities to connect, discover, and grow together. We offer a wide range of sessions from being men of faith to parenting to prayer, or Bible verses while sharing a meal together. Sunday morning and evening, and weekday and evening groups are available. Please contact the church office for more information and a listing of current classes.
Adult Sunday School Class - The Heidelberg Catechism
A catechism is a method of teaching where a teacher recites the question and the pupils respond with the prescribed answer. For centuries, the church has used catechisms as a tool to instruct students in the basic truths of the Bible. The Heidelberg Catechism, first published in 1563 in Heidelberg, Germany, has stood the test of time and is still one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. Eden’s Adult Sunday School Class is studying the Heidelberg Catechism using a study guide authored by G.I. Williamson. This study guide will walk us through the Catechism questions, answers, and applicable scripture readings. Please join us on Sundays at 10:30 am in Classroom 1302/1303-B/C for this valuable study.
Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study
The Men meet on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall and others join remotely by Zoom. Breakfast is provided each week. The men are starting a tudy of the book of Romans. You may join this study at any time. To receive the Zoom meeting information or to receive a copy of the questions to be discussed, please contact Pastor Roberts at
Wednesday Night Bible Study: The Book of Daniel
Eden’s Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study Group is studying The Book of Daniel. Old Testament prophet Daniel had the most incredible career imaginable. He was transported as a teenage captive to a pagan empire and became the primary confidante to the ruler of Babylon. When Babylonia was taken over by its enemies, Daniel rose to a high position in the Persian Empire. There are only two people in the Bible, other than Jesus Christ, of which no evil is spoken, Joseph and Daniel. The Book of Daniel is in two halves: the first six chapters are historical, which deal with the adventures and career of this remarkable man. The second six chapters are some of the most pivotal and important prophecies of the entire Bible. Through commentary, workbook, and video, Dr Chuck Missler will guide us to a clear understanding of the book of Daniel which will help us understand the times in which we live. Our class meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in Classrooms 1302/1303. Contact Linda Romann (Mobile: 618-560-9532 / Email: for more information about our study.
Wednesday Bible Study 2
The Wednesday Evening Bible Study is studying the Beatitudes presented Matt Chandler. This study consists of a short video with a discussion using their study guide. Please contact Denise Engelke at 618-973-0780 for more details on this study.
Friday Women’s Bible Study - Respectable Sins
Eden’s Friday Women’s Bible Study Group will begin meeting in September 2024. Our class will meet at 12:30 pm on the second and fourth Fridays of each month in Classroom B/C. Contact Nancy Kruckeberg (Call or Text: 618-920-6941 / Email: for more information on joining our group.